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Secrets of the Penguins
From Executive Producer James Cameron, Secrets of the Penguins tells a brand new, world-first story on the charismatic and sentient birds at the end of the Earth.
Natural History
National Geographic & Disney Plus


Three years in the making, this extraordinary blue-chip series reveals penguins as we’ve never seen them before.

Using cutting-edge technology, world-class scientific research and unprecedented access, National Geographic unlocks the secrets of the species that make their home in surprising and challenging landscapes around the Southern Hemisphere.

In three stunning episodes, featuring Lead Storyteller Bertie Gregory, the series unlocks previously untold stories and revelatory behaviours from global penguin societies,  held together by unbreakable bonds, strategic behaviours and unwavering tenacity.

The series is currently in production.

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Behind the scenes
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To capture truly world-first penguin behaviours, our crews are filming in some of the most challenging and inaccessible locations on Earth. Our team in Antartica are spending the entire Antarctic winter as guests of a scientific base, with no prospect of evacuation until the better weather returns. But our team's forensic research and unstoppable field craft is yielding jaw dropping results.

In March 2024, National Geographic released a social media taster of world-first footage captured by our team, of young emperor penguin chicks on their first march to the ocean. Finding themselves atop a 50ft cliff, the penguins begin to 'tombstone' into the water below. Some first swimming lesson! The clip went viral in a way that none of us could ever have imagined. It has already become National Geographic's most clicked TikTok in history, topping 60 million views, and it is now their most viewed animal Instagram ever, with over 56 million views.

To view the extended scene on YouTube, click here.

To view news coverage of the clip, click:

Good Morning America

ABC piece

Disney Plus Informer.

The Daily Beast

New York Post

Business Wire

Daily Telegraph

National Geographic

TV Insider

The mystery of why hordes of baby penguins congregate at the top of vertiginously sheer cliffs in Antarctica has finally been solved - they jump.
...incredible new footage.
NatGeo’s ‘Secrets Of’ captures ultra rare penguin tradition

Showrunner: Serena Davies

Lead Storyteller: Bertie Gregory

Field Producers/ Directors: Heather Cruickshank, Ruth Peacey, Alex Ponniah, Ross Kirby, Andrew Graham-Brown

Line Producer: Elisabeth Pinto

Assistant Producers: Marina Hui, Amabel Adcock

Exec Producers: Ruth Roberts & Martin Williams

Production Managers: Tabitha Hilton-Berry, Rob Slater

Production Co-Ordinator: Jas Singh, Natalie Pendleton

Marching to a New Beat